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Le news relative a Progetto Manifattura, alle aziende insediate nel polo tecnologico, alle opportunità di finanziamento e innovazione sono ora sul sito di Trentino Sviluppo.
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Qui sotto è disponibile l’archivio delle news dal 2010 al 2023.
15 Dec 2011
Progetto Manifattura signs on as Founding Sponsor of ACTION
Progetto Manifattura has become a Founding Sponsor of the Association of Cleantech Incubators of New England (ACTION).
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:131:]]Progetto Manifattura – Green Innovation Factory headquartered in Rovereto, Italy, has executed a sponsorship agreement with ACTION that formalizes a collaboration program between the two parties. As a founding sponsor Progetto Manifattura is taking advantage of ACTION’s expertise in incubation best practices and offers the opportunity for early stage companies within both networks to access new markets.
“Progetto Manifattura is delighted to have established a strategic partnership with ACTION for developing our “Green House” incubator,” said Gianluca Salvatori, president of Manifattura domani srl “ACTION is the strong partner we were looking for to us develop our business model for our 22-acre cleantech economic development project.
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:135:]]The collaboration anticipates showcasing each party’s capabilities and network participants. The combined clusters offer access to expanded markets and resources.
Michael Ryan, President and Founder of ACTION explained, “ACTION is very pleased to enter into this agreement with Progetto Manifattura. We are leveraging a strong international partner for the benefit of our ACTIONetwork entrepreneurs and emerging companies by opening a direct pipeline to the European Union.”
01 Dec 2011
Un caffè fatto di legno e vetro, costruito senza chiodi o viti, seguendo una tradizione architettonica giapponese. E’ l’ultima opera dell’architetto Kengo Kuma, che sta lavorando anche al Progetto Manifattura. Un esempio di integrazione tra spazio sociale, ambiente e natura. Vedi l'articolo.[[wysiwyg_imageupload:126:]]
23 Nov 2011
A few fotos from the Natura Mente Vino event inManifattura.
24 Oct 2011
The public is cordially invited to participate in the last public meeting for the design of the Leno waterfront of the Manifattura. The meeting is at the UrbanCenter in Rovereto 27 October at 17:30.
08 Nov 2010
Considering its scale, and the multiyear time frame, Progetto Manifattura is still in the early stages of a long journey. Major renovation work is yet to start and the new, green architecture is still just an architect’s dream. But, a few big steps have been taken and subtle moves behind the scenes are paving the way for big changes. One big outward sign of progress was the completion in June 2010 of the master plan, which laid the economic, social, and architectural groundwork for the project.
04 Nov 2010
This is a week of internationalization for Progetto Manifattura. In addition to translating/subtitling a video, and producing a marketing brochure, Progetto Manifattura is releasing the English translation of the project master plan.
04 Nov 2010
This is a week of internationalization for Progetto Manifattura. In addition to translating/subtitling a video, and producing a marketing brochure, Progetto Manifattura is releasing the English translation of the project master plan.