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Le news relative a Progetto Manifattura, alle aziende insediate nel polo tecnologico, alle opportunità di finanziamento e innovazione sono ora sul sito di Trentino Sviluppo.
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Qui sotto è disponibile l’archivio delle news dal 2010 al 2023.
10 May 2022
PietraNet, azienda delle ghiaie drenanti insediata in Progetto Manifattura, ha da poco lanciato un innovativo servizio per aumentare la sostenibilità di grandi eventi e manifestazioni temporanee.
26 Apr 2021
Prosegue la rubrica curata dall’Area Incubazione e Startup di Trentino Sviluppo che seleziona le opportunità di partnership veicolate da EEN di interesse per le imprese trentine.
05 Mar 2021
L’ultima invenzione per contrastare il contagio da Covid-19 si chiama SynapsEES UV-IT ed è nata in Progetto Manifattura a Rovereto. Ad inventarla è stata infatti la startup innovativa SynapsEES che è insediata nell’hub green di Trentino Sviluppo dal 2017.
18 Feb 2019
A startup that goes faster, that matches sports and technology, that breaks all the records. This is the ideal candidate for the new edition of SPIN Accelerator, the world-biggest sports startups accelerator, promoted by Trentino Sviluppo in collaboration with Hype Sports Innovation and the University of Trento.
18 Sep 2017
On 16 September, almost 3.000 runners faced, here in Progetto Manifattura, two obstacles of the 20k StrongmanRun. The winners of the sixth edition in Rovereto were Paolo Gallo from Piemonte and Alessia Scalet from Trentino. A special mention was also given to the 71-year-old Carlo Papa, the oldest runner who finished the competition. Among the participants, mainly from Trentino, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy, there were also Germans, Swiss and Slovenians.
13 Sep 2017
New funds are available for the Trentino SMEs, startups, research and training centres thanks to the new partnership between the Trentino hub for innovation HIT and the Climate KIC, the European Knowledge and Innovation Community on climate change. The KIC counts on a 85-million-euro budget and promotes the development of green projects and studies.
12 Sep 2017
More than 500 people with their heads up to discover our 160 year old history casted on the Clock Building walls thorugh the videomapping technique: it happened last week during the performance of the science writer Mario Tozzi, produced by Mismaonda and Trentino Sviluppo for the Oriente Occidente dance festival.
19 Jul 2017
UpSens presents its innovative sensors WAVE and AIR, which help families and companies to monitor the air pollution and electrosmog levels at home, at work and on holidays. Through this portable devices it is possible to detect harmful electromagnetic fields or harmful gas emissions such as COV (volatile organic compounds) or CO (carbon monoxide), which can cause respiratory and degenerative diseases and increase the incidence of certain types of cancer. In order to limit electromagnetic waves, the sensors do not use the Wi-Fi module, but the less invasive wireless Bluetooth LE module.
10 Jul 2017
Macro Design Studio architects Paola Moschini and Michele Paleari provide designers with a guide that helps them to find a responsible selection of sustainable products within the construction sector. Read more
02 Dec 2015
Michele Tosi, director of the Innovation and New Company Area of Trentino Sviluppo, has been appointed to the board of ACTION, the Association of Cleantech Incubators of New England, Massachussetts, USA. Another international recognition to the activity of Trentino Sviluppo, which demonstrates the high level of consideration reached by the system in the field of innovative startup business incubators.