

prima del body

The highly professional company in the sector of the doors for many years has given priority to environmental protection and energy saving to ensure maximum energy efficiency and excellent insulating properties of the doors and windows, and in collaboration with other companies in the sector it is building a family of innovative windows called "null" that will radically revolutionize and revolve the world of doors and windows. 

Various versions of this window have been studied and searched in order to meet all the needs of the market with a focus on material choice and energy performance. The true "null" innovation that makes it unique in the current scenario is the complementarity between countertop and frame: the counterframe becomes an integral part of the window frame for the "null 70" and "null 92" frames, while "evo null" Completely replaces the chassis, thus eliminating a node and consequently increasing performance.

Activity area: 
Production of doors and windows with high energy saving efficiency
011 9540148

dopo del body