Microx srl


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MICROX is an innovative start-up deals with the development of microfluidic lab on chip (LOC) technologies applications to environmental and energy sectors. LOC microfluidic technologies are based on the construction of portable microdevices, reliable and accurate that allow to carry out analyzes and measurements of chemical, biological and environmental parameters at a microscale. These technologies are collecting great interest for their applications in environmental and energy sectors. Micro-devices developed by Microx are embedded with a microchip that allows the digitization of all data and information acquired through the microdevice itself. Characteristics and most interesting advantages of this technology are portability, execution speed of analysis and reactions, low cost and digital interface. Currently Microx is engaged in prototype development of a microdevice engineered to perform analysis and measurements of environmental and human health toxic substances presence into water.

Activity area: 
Microfluidic technologies for environmental and energy application
+39 349 8790062

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