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HTC Bio Innovation

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HTC Bio Innovation promotes the use of an innovative and sustainable technology, simple to be implemented, to directly convert wet lignocellulosic residues, in a solid material (called Greenpeat), which can be utilized as a soil improver. In particular, the Greenpeat improves the plants growth and reduces the use of chemical fertilizers and water, in full agreement with the European concept of Circular Economy. Greenpeat is a carbonaceous material with a high adsorbing capacity, able to enhance the microbial activity in the soil. Greenpeat is renewable, because it does not originate from fossil resources, it is ecological, because it is produced from waste materials, and environmentally and economically sustainable. Valorising lignocellulosic by-products by applying this technology, the production of wastes is avoided, moving in the direction of the ”zero wastes” politics.
Activity area:Upcycling biological waste as substitute for chemical fertilizersTelephone:+39 334 8777371Email:d.basso@htcbioinnovation.comdaniele.ing.bassodopo del body