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Innovative and simple solutions for environmental monitoring: the use of these instruments allows the monitoring and the safeguard of vegetal productions in every sector, maximising the profitability.

The company modifies following its proper or its client's input the photocameras available on the market to enable them to produce immages in false colours (infrared and infrablue).

This is combined with a web platform for NDVI analysis, sustained by a software which elaborates automatically on cloud the NDVI maps (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). In that way die NDVI maps are within reach for everyone allowing the monitoring of green or agricultural areas; quickly and low cost.

All of the products are easy and for an immediate use on smartphone, tablet, PC on Mac, Linux, Windows and Android.


The company supplies instruments and consultancy for thermographic analysis particularly for the building and other indusries, for the monitoring of the health status of plants and animals.

Consultancy and training of NDVI instruments for the thermographic analysis

The company supplies constant updates on the technological and scientific news regarding the use of the applications of the supplied instruments.

Activity area: 
Monitoraggio ambientale
+39 339 8036183, +39 344 1661871

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