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LoveThePlanet is the first network of Italian companies totally dedicated to sustainability. It represents a landmark for all those organizations, both public and private, which are developing and implementing new decisional and behavioural models in order to sustain sustainability and try to reduce the impact of human activities on the eco-system. Being a network of companies there is more flexibility, more sustainabilty and to the certainty of the most complete offer of the triple-bottom-line services: People, Planet, Profit (the three parameters of sustainability).

LOVETHEPLANET® develops and provides decision models and both strategic and operational solutions in five areas: Strategies for Sustainability (CSR Management, Energy Audit, Sustainable mobility, ..); Governance and processes (Facilitated Finance, Energy / Carbon Management); Performance measurement (Sustainability Certifications ISO 50001; 14064; 14067; 26000; ....); Reporting and Communication (integrated Reporting, GRI G4, Stakeholder Engagement, ...); Specific services for the P.A. (SEAP ..)

And as already said, we created a Network: specialized companies in key areas of Sustainability, innovative start-up, professionals and the spin-off of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

Activity area: 
Advanced advice and services for sustainability
+39 349 3070376

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