COSBI | Foundation The Microsoft Research – University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology


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Founded in 2005 COSBI (acronym for Computational and Systems Biology) is a non-profit foundation, whose shares are held 50 % by Microsoft Research and 50% by the University of Trento.

COSBI explores the connection between the metabolic processes and nutrition, and between the cognitive mechanisms and pharmacology, in the human being. It focuses on diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's and how they are controlled by diet and medication. COSBI analyze massive amounts of data of its industrial partners and academic and implements mathematical models to help better understand the biological mechanisms of metabolic and cognitive health.

With its partners, COSBI produces knowledge of biological mechanisms not yet clarified, knowledge that can be used to improve the quality of life.

Activity area: 
Computational and Systems Biology
+39 0464 808843
+39 0464 808814

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